14 Feb 2025

Announcement: Results of AMA Board Election

Dear AMA Members,


Things got very exciting with counting votes for new AMA Board Members following a last-minute flurry of Proxy Votes and at the Special General Meeting this morning.


Many thanks for your support and outstanding engagement in this process – we had approximately 115 Votes and 17 Nominations.


The voting was extremely tight, with one vote making the difference between Board candidates. This is why we took our time and checked and checked.  However, we now have a result and are very excited to welcome:


Successful nominees for the AMA Board roles:

  1. Alan Sutcliffe – CEO, Page Macrae Engineering (Tauranga)
  2. Amos Breyfogle – Director, Pivot Innovation (Dunedin)
  3. Chris Komatas – Partnerships, Globex Engineering (Auckland)
  4. Nathan Hay – GM Operations, Argus ManuTech (Christchurch)


Successful nominees for the AMA Board Development roles:

  1. Charlie North – Head of Supply Chain, Dawn Aerospace (Christchurch)
  2. Vicky Webb - Principal Industry Leader Manufacturing, Aurecon (Wellington)


Successful nominees join AMA Board elected members:

  1. Sarah Ramsay – CEO, United Machinists (Dunedin) – Chair
  2. Daryl French – Director, Northpine (Northland) – Secretary
  3. Glenn Hansen – Group Financial Controller, Vortex Engineering (Christchurch)
  4. Rachel Barker – CEO, PlasticsNZ


At the Special General Meeting, members unanimously agreed to appoint Phill Patton (Datacom) and Rod De Spong (Douglas Pharmaceuticals) as Honorary Members, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the AMA Board during the organisation’s establishment phase.


And, to our outstanding nominees who have not been appointed to the AMA Board, there will be a lot of opportunities to contribute to workstreams (Perceptions, Talent, Innovation, Investment).  There are plenty of opportunities to contribute and make a difference.  There is a role for all of us to play.  

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